Show players by their name
It would be nice if, when you go into player setting and you named your player if we had the option of changing how the player appears on the screen, by their 1 or 2 character name, by their circle with their designation inside the circle etc. it's a nuisance to place a players name tag and appear below their circle instead of inside of it. The alternative would be to let me choose wether I want to use the designated name character to represent the player on the screen. For example if I want to rename a player from being a Symbol to a letter instead it would be a great functionality and benefit to those coaches whose position designator a either do not exist or are not in the pre-determined list
AdminCoachMe (CoachMe Support, CoachMe) commented
Hi Coach! We in fact have a feature that we've disabled that allow coaches to insert new player options. However, we are wrestling with:
1. Do we limit the number of characters to a max of 3?
2. If we allow full names, does it still look good if text spills outside the radius of the player shape?
3. Do we force fit it in to where it is unreadable?
As coaches, we know this would be a great feature. But, the user experience is a little tricky. What are your thoughts?
CoachMe Support Team